Monday, November 13, 2006

Scenario 2 - The Geek

You must first be dressed as a geek to go forward with this one. And there is no overdoing it, tape those glasses, dust off that pocket protector, flood those pants, even whip out your old retainer! Go to town by all means. Think.... Erkle. Now a geek doesn't drive fast a geek drives slow, they stop at stop signs too long, they are going 20 UNDER in the fast lane, and they don't get in the turn lane when making left hand turns. In general you want to drive annoyingly, which is sure to get your pulled over.

Now if and when you actually get pulled over you had better already practiced your snort/laugh, and remember; speak through the nose, the more nasally you sound the better. When you roll down your window to talk to officer friendly, every time he asks you a question you are going to put the snort/laugh to use. Think, inside joke, and do not let on to what is so funny. If the officer asks you why you are laughing just say "oh nothing, just a little nervous habit I have..." then answer his question. Smile and scrunch that nose up, show those buck teeth off too.

After asking for your license and proof of insurance, the first question the officer always asks you is "Do you know why I pulled you over?". To this you will answer, "For being too smart and devilishly handsome...." and then snort/laugh hysterically for a full minute, no less. I can guarantee that officer friendly will not find this amusing, and you must make this painfully obvious by stopping the laughing, frowning, and saying "Well I can see that you're in no mood for my witty banter today, so what seems to be the problem officer?" remember to push your glasses back up your nose now and then.

It's also a nice touch if you happen to have some Kleenex handy to blow your nose obnoxiously loud from time to time, it's never too much either, maybe even ask him to hold your Kleenex while you search for your license. If he comments on your habit, tell him that you're allergic to gun powder then look at his gun belt with wide eyes just long enough to make him uncomfortable. Keep on looking until he finds a way to draw your attention back to his face, and when he does that look startled and distracted.

It would be a great idea to also have a bag that your license is in, the larger and the more odd s&!% you have in there the better. Dump that bag out and search for that license. Things like live insects in jars, a scientific calculator, binoculars, all kinds of pens and pencils, and loose paper with half eaten candy stuck to it, pornographic magazines, or even better a plain lingerie cataloge from Sear or JCPenny would be fantastic. While your searching for your license ask him to hold some of these odd objects, see how much of your odd s&!% he will hold. The whole idea is, the more pointless time you take up delaying the process the better. This one is sure to get you off the hook since he will probably give up before you do.

Scenario 1 - Lust

This one only works on the police men, not women, you are endanger of being charged with sexual harassment. However you, the driver, can be either sex for this joke to be good fun. It's actually funnier when you are male with a male police officer. We have not actually tested this yet but we plan to, and if you happen to beat us please tell us how it went. FYI - DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU ARE INTOXICATED OR HIGH!

You see the lights go on in your rear view mirror, oh shit you're doing 55 in a 30, your tail lights are out, and your insurance card expired 6 months ago. Basically you are screwed so you might as well f#@& with him right? Before he walks up to your window make sure you wet your lips and, maybe even pull out your mirror for effect. You wanna look lustful, so when the police officer walks up to you he gets a little nervous. It is also very important to never break character.

Roll down your window look him directly in the eye without breaking stare, and bat those eyelashes, yes that's right it's never too much. When he asks his first question, don't answer him just do a soft low moan. Wait about 5 seconds, and if he doesn't say anything do it again. Then wait for him to ask you again. When he asks again you say in a breathy voice "I'm sorry officer, I'm a little distracted, could you repeat that a little slower please"

As your officer repeats his question adjust your bra very sensually, or if you are a male your crotch area and make another moaning noise, not too loud but just loud enough for him to hear it. He may at this point catch on to the fact that you are either turned on by him or incredibly drunk. Now if you are lucky he will enjoy this attention and may want to take things further. However most likely he will be upset by your actions and ask you to step out of the car and blow in the tube (this is why you can't be intoxicated).

After the policeman decides you are not intoxicated he will most likely write your ticket and send you on your way. In any case do not drop the act, keep it up. When you are stepping out of the car make sure you show a little leg, and ask him "ohhh do you want to do a body search officer?" Make sure you emphasize the word BODY so he gets the hint. If he asks you to blow, look him directly in the eye and say "where?" then lick your lips. When you are done blowing, tell the officer "that was great, lets do this again sometime" Feel free to improv where appropriate. Good luck on this one, it's sure to be a hit.

Pulled Over

This blog is for posting ideas on how to freak out, and annoy our fellow police officers when they pull you over. The ultimate revenge is humor!!!!